Christian Ecumenism
epub |eng | 2017-01-30 | Author:Muesse, Mark W. [Muesse, Mark W.]
179. 1 Maccabees 1:21–28. 180. 1 Maccabees 1:45–50, 56–61. 181. Eisenman, James, the Brother of Jesus, 179. 182. Matthew 16:13–20; Mark 8:27; Luke 9:18–21. 183. Matthew 1:2–17. 184. Matthew 1:18, ...
( Category:
Christian Ecumenism
April 16,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-03-21 | Author:Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Specific Wisdoms To Offer Buddhism at its best is able to differentiate between the means of realizing wisdom and wisdom itself, the raft and the other shore, as expressed in ...
( Category:
Christian Ecumenism
March 22,2020 )
azw |ara | 2015-04-12 | Author:Veli-Matti Karkkainen [Karkkainen, Veli-Matti]
The Dignity of Human Life Christian tradition routinely located the uniqueness and dignity of human life in the immortal soul. While understandable, that move is hardly supported by the biblical ...
( Category:
Christian Ecumenism
March 16,2020 )
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